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Importing transaction level data into Bank statement for Europe in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 and 2012 R2

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This feature introduces additional capabilities in Advanced bank reconciliation feature for importing bank statement and matching bank statement lines to bank documents in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 and AX 2012 R2.

Refer to the following white papers to get more details on Advanced bank reconciliation feature:

XSLT transformation files provided in scope of this feature, for importing entry level and transaction level data, are created based on ISO20022 message definition report and considering Common global implementation guidelines (CGI).

No country or bank specifics are considered in this feature release. XSLT files can be easily updated by user when any country or bank specifics need to be considered.

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Importing bank statement line from camt.053 entries and transactions

With this feature user has now additional possibility to import bank statement line from Transaction level of camt.053 file. Also additional ISO20022 references are imported.

The following changes are done in XSLT files:

  • Existing transformation file ISO2002XML_to_Reconciliation_xslt was updated to be able to import Creditor reference information, Account servicer reference information, Instructed amounts, Proprietary bank transaction codes when Domain bank codes are empty.

This XSLT file can be used when there is no more than 1 transaction level line under each entry level line. This XSLT transformation file ensures import of bank statement line from Entry level of camt.053 file.

  • New transformation file ISO20022XML_to_Reconciliation_Trans_W was added to be able to import bank statement lines from Transaction details level.

This XSLT file can be used when there are more than 1 transaction level line under each entry level line. This XSLT transformation file ensures import of bank statement line from Transaction level of camt.053 file.

Consult with your bank to get more details on your camt.053 file to choose appropriate XSLT transformation file.

High level structure of camt.053 XML file is present below for your reference:

A-Level: Group header

B-Level: Account Statement

       C-Level: Statement Entry

              D-Level: Transaction details

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Using ISO20022 references in matching rules

With this feature user has now additional possibilities to set up automatic matching rules in advanced bank reconciliation feature, by using imported ISO20022-specific references when using full ISO20022 cycle, including

  • export payments in ISO20022 pain.001 credit transfer, ISO20022 pain.008 direct debit formats

  • import payments into customer payment journal in ISO20022 camt.054 format

  • import return files into vendor payment transfer journal in ISO20022 pain.002 and camt.054 formats.

  • Import bank statements via advanced bank reconciliation

Several ISO20022-specific references can now be used for matching between imported bank statement line and payment document.

- new field End to End ID is added to Bank documents list (generated payments) which is filled with <Voucher_RecID> – similar way as EndToEndID is filled in ISO20022 credit transfer generate payment file.

- new field Payment ID is added to Bank documents list (generated payments) which is taken from the Payment ID field in payment journal line.

- new field Creditor Reference Information is added to Bank statement line. Structured creditor reference from camt.053 file is imported into this new field from camt.053 file.


The following table shows some ISO20022 references and their flow through payment messages:


Debtor bank

Creditor bank


Pain.001 ->






Interbank messages




Camt.054 <-







Camt.054 ->




Camt.053 <-







Camt.053 ->




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Set up: Associate XSLT file with Bank statement format

Choose either ISO2002XML_to_Reconciliation_xslt or ISO20022XML_to_Reconciliation_Trans_W to be used in Inbound port for bank statement format. Refer to White paper for more details.

  • Choose ISO2002XML_to_Reconciliation_xslt for importing information from Entry level of camt.053 file
  • Choose ISO20022XML_to_Reconciliation_Trans_W (new) for importing information from Transaction level of camt.053 file

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Set up: Matching rules

Set up additional rules to match bank statement line and bank document line using ISO-20022 specific references:

Issued credit transfers/direct debits:

End to End ID field value in bank document line is equal to Description field value of bank statement (EndtoEndID value from camt.053 file is imported into Description field of Bank statement line)

Importing transaction level into Bank statement

Creditor Reference Information field value from bank statement line to Payment ID from bank documents (filled with Structured creditor reference in camt.054 import).

Received credit transfers (imported via camt.054 feature into customer payment journal):

Payment reference field value in bank document line is equal to Text field value of bank statement (AccountServicerReference field value from camt.053 file is imported into Text field of Bank statement line)

Importing transaction level into Bank statement

End to End ID field value in bank document line is equal to Description field value of bank statement (EndtoEndID value from camt.053 file is imported into Description field of Bank statement line)

Note. For received credit transfers, imported into customer payment journal, user needs to change Status of payment journal line from Received to Sent to be able to match it via Advanced bank reconciliation.

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Hotfix information

How to obtain the Microsoft Dynamics AX updates files

This update is available for manual download and installation from the Microsoft Download Center.

Download update for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3

Download update for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

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Keywords: kbExpertiseInter, kbExpertiseAdvanced, kbnoloc, kbQFE, kbMBSQuickPub, kbMBSMigrate, kbsurveynew, kbExpertiseBeginner, kbMBSPartner

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Article Info
Article ID : 3190998
Revision : 7
Created on : 7/20/2017
Published on : 7/20/2017
Exists online : False
Views : 424