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Antivirus status shown as Unavailable (This version of Windows does not support antivirus detection)

Original KB number:   3190315


You have a program running that sends out automated emails in Microsoft Outlook. When doing so, you are receiving the following error:

A program is trying to send an e-mail message on your behalf. If this is unexpected, click Deny and verify your antivirus software is up-to-date.

The Outlook Trust Center Programmatic Access option shows your antivirus status as:

Unavailable. This version of Windows does not support antivirus detection.


Windows Security Center is not supported on server operating system versions. For this reason Outlook is unable to check antivirus status when installed on a Windows Server.

More information

Outlook depends upon the Windows Security Center (WSC) on the operating system to detect the status of the antivirus software on the machine. Since the antivirus status isn't listed within the WSC on Windows Server Operating Systems, it is unable to obtain this information that results in the message we are seeing within Outlook. You can confirm this if you log into the Windows Server console. In the Action Center, you will not see any antivirus information.

Windows Security Center