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"You cannot send email as the selected user" error occurs when attempting to send email as another user

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When you attempt to send an email in Microsoft Dynamics CRM and you set the From field to be another user, you encounter the following error:

"You cannot send email as the selected user. The selected user has not allowed this or you do not have sufficient privileges to do so. Contact your system administrator for assistance."

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This error will occur if one of the following conditions exists:

1. Your security role in Microsoft Dynamics CRM is missing the "Send Email as Another User" privilege.

NOTE: If you are using a Workflow rule to send the email, the owner of the Workflow rule needs this privilege.

2. The user you are trying to send as has not enabled the option which allows other users to send email as them.

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Verify your CRM security role includes the "Send Email as Another User" privilege. 

1. Log into Microsoft Dynamics CRM with a user that has the System Administrator role.

2. Navigate to Settings and then access Security.

3. Click Security Roles.

4. Open the security role assigned to the user who is encountering the error.

5. Click the Business Management tab.

6. Verify the user has the "Send Email as Another User" privilege.

NOTE: The "Send Email as Another User" privilege has different levels of depth. A user needs sufficient depth in this privilege to match the user who they are trying to send as. For example: If you are trying to send as a user that is in a different Business Unit within CRM, having Business Unit level access for this privilege would not be sufficient as it would only allow you to send as other users in your same business unit. 

7. Click Save.

Verify the user you are trying to send as has enabled the option which allows other users to send email as them.

1. Sign into Microsoft Dynamics CRM as the user you are trying to send email as.

2. Click the gear icon in the upper-right corner and then click Options.

3. Click the Email tab.

4. Verify the "Allow other Microsoft Dynamics CRM users to send e-mail on your behalf" is selected.

5. Click OK.

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More Information

When you click the Download Log button, the Message section includes the following info:

<Message>User does not have send-as privilege.</Message>

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Keywords: kbmbspartner, kbmbsmigrate, kbsurveynew, kb

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Article Info
Article ID : 3184980
Revision : 1
Created on : 1/7/2017
Published on : 8/8/2016
Exists online : False
Views : 240