To work around this problem, when you restore an Exchange 2000 server after you restore the system state, make sure that you run Setup with the
/disasterrecovery switch, instead of running Setup without the switch and selecting the
Reinstall option.
If you run Setup with the
/disasterrecovery switch, Setup prompts you to restore the databases from a backup at the end of the installation, before the services are started. If you run Setup without the switch and select the
Reinstall option, Setup does not prompt you to restore the databases before starting the services.
IMPORTANT: You may experience data loss if you do not use the
/disasterrecovery switch when you run the Setup. If you select the
Reinstall option, the services are started when the installation is complete. At that point, new, blank databases are up and running. If other servers in the Exchange organization have been queuing up mail for the server that you are restoring, the mail is delivered to the new databases. To prevent mail loss, you must pull the mail out of these new databases before you restore the old databases. For additional information, click the article number below
to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
XADM: Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Merge Program (Exmerge.exe) Information