A load or query operation in Microsoft SQL Server APS fails because of a "filegroup is full" error that occurs in the specific distribution. The full error message resembles the following:
The server could not finish the load. Details:
Could not allocate space for object 'dbo.Table_afb37597193a4b17bb0737c5f92217fb_C' in database 'DB_6644d2917edb4df8adcc5639f61bbfda' because the 'DIST_C' filegroup is full.
Could not allocate space for object 'dbo.Table_afb37597193a4b17bb0737c5f92217fb_C' in database 'DB_6644d2917edb4df8adcc5639f61bbfda' because the 'DIST_C' filegroup is full.