The msExchPollInterval attribute that is used to specify the polling interval of the Recipient Update Service may be ignored.
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This issue can occur if the activationStyle attribute for this Recipient Update Service is not set to 2 (ACTIVATION_STYLE_ALWAYS).
Always Run might be displayed as the Update Interval in Exchange System Manager even if the activationStyle attribute is not set to 2. If you select a customized update interval schedule, and then select the entire schedule grid, the graphical user interface (GUI) changes to display the Update Interval as Always Run.
In this configuration, the Recipient Update Service is configured for an activationStyle attribute of 1 (ACTIVATION_STYLE_SELECTED_TIME) and the msExchPollInterval value is ignored.
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To resolve this issue, change the update interval back to ACTIVATION_STYLE_ALWAYS to allow the polling interval to be used; to do so, click Always Run in the Update Interval list, and then apply the change. The activationStyle attribute is set back to a value of 2.
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