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How to use the CDOEX Library to create an Outlook Calendar folder in Visual Basic .NET

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This article was previously published under Q314372
Caution ADO and ADO MD have not been fully tested in a Microsoft .NET Framework environment. They may cause intermittent issues, especially in service-based applications or in multithreaded applications. The techniques that are discussed in this article should only be used as a temporary measure during migration to ADO.NET. You should only use these techniques after you have conducted complete testing to make sure that there are no compatibility issues. Any issues that are caused by using ADO or ADO MD in this manner are unsupported. For more information, see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
840667 ( ) You receive unexpected errors when using ADO and ADO MD in a .NET Framework application

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This article describes how to use the Microsoft Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) for Exchange 2000 (CDOEX) Library to create a Microsoft Outlook Calendar folder in Microsoft Visual Basic .NET.

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More information

To create an Outlook Calendar folder in Visual Basic .NET, follow these steps.

Note You must run the following sample code on a computer that is running Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server.
  1. Start Microsoft Visual Studio .NET.
  2. On the File menu, point to New, and then click Project.
  3. In the Visual Basic Projects types list, click Console Application.

    By default, Module1.vb is created.
  4. Add a reference to the CDOEX Library. To do so, follow these steps:
    1. On the Project menu, click Add Reference.
    2. Click the COM tab, locate Microsoft CDO for Exchange 2000 Library, and then click Select.
    3. In the Add References dialog box, click OK.
    4. If you are prompted to generate wrappers for the libraries that you selected, click Yes.
  5. Follow the same steps to add a reference to the Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.5 Library.
  6. In the code window, replace the code with the following:
    Module Module1
        Sub Main()
            'strFolderType    Name
            'MailItems        IPF.Note
            'ContactItems     IPF.Contact
            'AppointmentItems IPF.Appointment
            'NoteItems        IPF.StickyNote
            'TaskItems        IPF.Task
            'JournalItems     IPF.Journal
            Dim sType as String = "IPF.Appointment"
            Dim oCn As ADODB.Connection = New ADODB.Connection()
            Dim oRc As ADODB.Record = New ADODB.Record()
            Dim oFields As ADODB.Fields
            Dim oField As ADODB.Field
            Dim sFolderTypeProperty As String
            sFolderTypeProperty = ""
            ' TODO: Replace with your new folder URL
            Dim sFdUrl As String
            sFdUrl = "http://<ExchServer>/Exchange/<UserAlias>/Inbox/NewFolder"
            oCn.Provider = "exoledb.datasource"
            oCn.Open(sFdUrl, "", "", 0)
            If oCn.State = 1 Then
                Console.WriteLine("Good Connection")
                Console.WriteLine("Bad Connection")
            End If
            oRc.Open(sFdUrl, oCn, _
             ADODB.ConnectModeEnum.adModeReadWrite, _
             ADODB.RecordCreateOptionsEnum.adCreateCollection, _
             ADODB.RecordOpenOptionsEnum.adOpenSource, _
             "", "")  ' adOpenAsync is not supported	
            If oRc.State = ADODB.ObjectStateEnum.adStateOpen Then
                Console.WriteLine("Record Open Success")
                Console.WriteLine("Record Open Fails")
            End If
            ' Add Folder type
            oFields = oRc.Fields
            oField = oFields.Item(sFolderTypeProperty)
            oField.Value = sType
            oCn = Nothing
            oRc = Nothing
            oFields = Nothing
            oField = Nothing
        End Sub
    End Module
  7. Search for TODO in the code, and then modify the code for your environment.
  8. Press F5 to build and to run the program.
  9. Make sure that the Outlook Calendar folder was created.

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Keywords: KB314372, kbhowtomaster, kbmsg

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Article Info
Article ID : 314372
Revision : 4
Created on : 11/29/2007
Published on : 11/29/2007
Exists online : False
Views : 468