Imports System.Net
Imports System.IO
Module Module1
Sub Main()
' TODO: Replace with the contact item's URL.
Dim sUri As String = "http://<ExchServer>/Exchange/<UserName>/Contacts/JoLynnDobney.eml"
Dim myUri As System.Uri = New System.Uri(sUri)
Dim HttpWRequest As HttpWebRequest = WebRequest.Create(myUri)
Dim strXMLNSInfo As String
Dim strNameInfo As String
Dim strBusinessAddrInfo As String
Dim strHomeAddrInfo As String
Dim strOtherAddrInfo As String
Dim strMailAddrInfo As String
Dim strPhoneInfo As String
Dim strEmailInfo As String
Dim strOrganizationalInfo As String
Dim strPersonalInfo As String
Dim strCustomerInfo As String
Dim strFollowUpInfo As String
Dim strMiscInfo As String
Dim strUserFieldsInfo As String
' Specify the namespaces that you want to use.
strXMLNSInfo = "xmlns:g=""DAV:""" & _
" xmlns:c=""urn:schemas:contacts:""" & _
" xmlns:e=""""" & _
" xmlns:mapi=""""" & _
" xmlns:x=""xml:"" xmlns:cal=""urn:schemas:calendar:""" & _
" xmlns:mail=""urn:schemas:httpmail:"">"
' Specify the contact's name information.
' (First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Full Name,
' Subject of the contact--used by Outlook Address Book,
' File As, Initials, Nickname, Title, and Suffix)
strNameInfo = "<c:givenName>JoLynn</c:givenName>" & _
"<c:middlename>Julie</c:middlename>" & _
"<c:sn>Dobney</c:sn>" & _
"<c:cn>JoLynn J. Dobney</c:cn>" & _
"<mail:subject>JoLynn Dobney</mail:subject>" & _
"<c:fileas>Dobney, JoLynn</c:fileas>" & _
"<c:initials>JJD</c:initials>" & _
"<c:nickname>Jo</c:nickname>" & _
"<c:personaltitle>Mrs.</c:personaltitle>" & _
' Specify the business address information.
' (Street, PO Box, City, State, Postal Code, and Country)
strBusinessAddrInfo = "<c:street>Business Address Information</c:street>" & _
"<c:postofficebox>PO Box 12345</c:postofficebox>" & _
"<c:l>AnyTown</c:l>" & _
"<c:st>WA</c:st>" & _
"<c:postalcode>12345-1234</c:postalcode>" & _
"<c:co>United States</c:co>"
' Specify the home address information.
' (Street, PO Box, City, State, Postal Code, and Country)
strHomeAddrInfo = "<c:homeStreet>Home Address Information</c:homeStreet>" & _
"<c:homepostofficebox>PO Box 54321</c:homepostofficebox>" & _
"<c:homeCity>SomeTown</c:homeCity>" & _
"<c:homeState>WA</c:homeState>" & _
"<c:homePostalCode>12345</c:homePostalCode>" & _
"<c:homeCountry>United States</c:homeCountry>"
' Specify the other address information.
' (Street, PO Box, City, State, Postal Code, and Country)
strOtherAddrInfo = "<c:otherstreet>Other Address Information</c:otherstreet>" & _
"<c:otherpostofficebox>PO Box 98765</c:otherpostofficebox>" & _
"<c:othercity>SomeTown</c:othercity>" & _
"<c:otherstate>FL</c:otherstate>" & _
"<c:otherpostalcode>56789</c:otherpostalcode>" & _
"<c:othercountry>United States</c:othercountry>"
' Specify the mailing address.
' 0 = None, 1 = Home, 2 = Business, 3 = Other
strMailAddrInfo = "<c:mailingaddressid>2</c:mailingaddressid>"
' Specify the phone number information.
' (Business Phone, Business Phone 2, Business Fax,
' Home Phone, Home Phone 2, Home Fax,
' Other Phone, Other Fax, Pager, Mobile Phone,
' Car Phone, ISDN, Telex, TTY/TDD, Callback)
strPhoneInfo = "<c:telephoneNumber>425-555-0110</c:telephoneNumber>" & _
"<c:telephonenumber2>425-555-0111</c:telephonenumber2>" & _
"<c:facsimiletelephonenumber>425-555-0112</c:facsimiletelephonenumber>" & _
"<c:homePhone>425-555-0113</c:homePhone>" & _
"<c:homephone2>425-555-0114</c:homephone2>" & _
"<c:homefax>425-555-0115</c:homefax>" & _
"<c:otherTelephone>206-555-0111</c:otherTelephone>" & _
"<c:otherfax>206-555-0112</c:otherfax>" & _
"<c:pager>425-555-0116</c:pager>" & _
"<c:mobile>425-555-0117</c:mobile>" & _
"<c:othermobile>206-555-0113</c:othermobile>" & _
"<c:internationalisdnnumber>425-555-0118</c:internationalisdnnumber>" & _
"<c:telexnumber>425-555-0119</c:telexnumber>" & _
"<c:ttytddphone>425-555-0120</c:ttytddphone>" & _
' Specify the e-mail address information.
strEmailInfo = "<mapi:email1addrtype>EX</mapi:email1addrtype>" & _
"<mapi:email1emailaddress>" & _
"/o=Microsoft/ou=First Administrative Group/cn=Recipients/cn=jdobney" & _
"</mapi:email1emailaddress>" & _
"<mapi:email1originaldisplayname>" & _
"JoLynn Dobney (Exchange)" & _
"</mapi:email1originaldisplayname>" & _
"<mapi:email2addrtype>SMTP</mapi:email2addrtype>" & _
"<mapi:email2emailaddress>" & _
"" & _
"</mapi:email2emailaddress>" & _
"<mapi:email2originaldisplayname>" & _
"JoLynn Dobney (SMTP)" & _
"</mapi:email2originaldisplayname>" & _
"<mapi:email3addrtype>X400</mapi:email3addrtype>" & _
"<mapi:email3emailaddress>" & _
"c=us;a= ; p=Microsoft; o=Exchange; s=Dobney; g=JoLynn; i=J;" & _
"</mapi:email3emailaddress>" & _
"<mapi:email3originaldisplayname>" & _
"JoLynn Dobney (X400)" & _
' Specify the organizational information.
' (Company, Company Main Phone, Business Home Page,
' Department, Job Title, Manager's Name,
' Assistant's Name, Assistant's Phone, Office Location,
' Organizational ID Number, Computer Network Name,
' Profession)
strOrganizationalInfo = "<c:o>Fourth Coffee </c:o>" & _
"<c:organizationmainphone>425-555-0199</c:organizationmainphone>" & _
"<c:businesshomepage></c:businesshomepage>" & _
"<c:department>YYY</c:department>" & _
"<c:title>Lead Software Design Engineer</c:title>" & _
"<c:manager>Karan Khanna</c:manager>" & _
"<c:secretarycn>Ken Myer</c:secretarycn>" & _
"<c:secretaryphone>425-555-0123</c:secretaryphone>" & _
"<c:roomnumber>C-309</c:roomnumber>" & _
"<c:employeenumber>987654321</c:employeenumber>" & _
"<c:computernetworkname>jdobney</c:computernetworkname>" & _
"<c:profession>Software Designer</c:profession>"
' Specify the personal information.
' (Birthday, Anniversary, Spouse, Children, Gender,
' Personal Home Page, Hobbies)
strPersonalInfo = "<c:bday>1974-01-01T08:00:00Z</c:bday>" & _
"<c:weddinganniversary>1995-01-01T08:00:00Z</c:weddinganniversary>" & _
"<c:spousecn>Barry Johnson</c:spousecn>" & _
"<c:childrensnames>" & _
"<x:v>David Johnson</x:v><x:v>Willis Johnson</x:v>" & _
"</c:childrensnames>" & _
"<c:gender>Male</c:gender>" & _
"<c:personalHomePage>" & _
"" & _
"</c:personalHomePage>" & _
"<c:hobbies>Reading, lawn bowling</c:hobbies>"
' Specify the customer-related information.
' (Customer ID, Account, Billing Information)
strCustomerInfo = "<c:customerid>YYY</c:customerid>" & _
"<c:account>YYY</c:account>" & _
' Specify follow-up information and reminder information.
' (Reminder, Reminder Topic, Reminder Time)
strFollowUpInfo = "<mapi:reminderset>1</mapi:reminderset>" & _
"<mapi:request>Call</mapi:request>" & _
"<mapi:remindertime>2001-12-01T08:00:00Z</mapi:remindertime>" & _
"<mapi:remindernexttime>2001-12-01T08:00:00Z</mapi:remindernexttime>" & _
' Specify miscellaneous information.
' (Categories, Contacts, Mileage, FTP Site, Language,
' Government ID, Location, Internet Free/Busy Address,
' Sensitivity)
strMiscInfo = "<e:keywords-utf8>" & _
"<x:v>Buddies</x:v><x:v>Engineers</x:v>" & _
"</e:keywords-utf8>" & _
"<mapi:contacts><x:v>Brian Johnson</x:v></mapi:contacts>" & _
"<e:mileage>Rarely used string property</e:mileage>" & _
"<c:ftpsite></c:ftpsite>" & _
"<c:language>US English</c:language>" & _
"<c:governmentid>000-00-0000</c:governmentid>" & _
"<c:location>Nowhere Land</c:location>" & _
"<cal:fburl></cal:fburl>" & _
' Specify the user field information.
' (User Field 1, User Field 2, User Field 3, User Field 4)
strUserFieldsInfo = "<e:extensionattribute1>User Data 1" & _
"</e:extensionattribute1>" & _
"<e:extensionattribute2>User Data 2</e:extensionattribute2>" & _
"<e:extensionattribute3>User Data 3</e:extensionattribute3>" & _
"<e:extensionattribute4>User Data 4</e:extensionattribute4>"
Dim sQuery As String
sQuery = "<?xml version='1.0'?>" & _
"<g:propertyupdate " & strXMLNSInfo & _
"<g:set>" & _
"<g:prop>" & _
"<g:contentclass>urn:content-classes:person</g:contentclass>" & _
"<e:outlookmessageclass>IPM.Contact</e:outlookmessageclass>" & _
strNameInfo & strBusinessAddrInfo & _
strHomeAddrInfo & strOtherAddrInfo & _
strMailAddrInfo & strPhoneInfo & _
strEmailInfo & strOrganizationalInfo & _
strPersonalInfo & strCustomerInfo & _
strFollowUpInfo & strMiscInfo & _
strUserFieldsInfo & _
"</g:prop>" & _
"</g:set>" & _
' Set the credentials.
' TODO: Replace with the appropriate user credential
Dim myCred As NetworkCredential = New NetworkCredential("Domain\UserName", "Password")
Dim MyCredentialCache As CredentialCache = New CredentialCache()
MyCredentialCache.Add(myUri, "Basic", myCred)
HttpWRequest.Credentials = MyCredentialCache
' Set the headers.
HttpWRequest.KeepAlive = False
HttpWRequest.Headers.Set("Pragma", "no-cache")
HttpWRequest.Headers.Set("Translate", "f")
HttpWRequest.ContentType = "text/xml"
HttpWRequest.ContentLength = sQuery.Length
'Set the request timeout to 5 minutes.
HttpWRequest.Timeout = 300000
' set the request method
HttpWRequest.Method = "PROPPATCH"
' Store the data in a byte array.
Dim ByteQuery() As Byte = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(sQuery)
HttpWRequest.ContentLength = ByteQuery.Length
Dim QueryStream As Stream = HttpWRequest.GetRequestStream()
' write the data to be posted to the Request Stream
QueryStream.Write(ByteQuery, 0, ByteQuery.Length)
' Send the request and get the response.
Dim HttpWResponse As HttpWebResponse = HttpWRequest.GetResponse()
' Get the status and the headers.
Dim iStatCode As Integer = HttpWResponse.StatusCode
Dim sStatus As String = iStatCode.ToString()
Console.WriteLine("Status: {0} {1}", sStatus, HttpWResponse.StatusDescription.ToString())
Console.WriteLine("Request Headers:")
Console.WriteLine("Response Headers:")
' Get the response stream.
Dim strm As Stream = HttpWResponse.GetResponseStream()
' Read the response stream.
Dim sr As StreamReader = New StreamReader(strm)
Dim sText As String = sr.ReadToEnd()
Console.WriteLine("Response: {0}", sText)
' Close the stream.
' Clean up
HttpWRequest = Nothing
HttpWResponse = Nothing
MyCredentialCache = Nothing
myCred = Nothing
strm = Nothing
QueryStream = Nothing
sr = Nothing
End Sub
End Module