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How to search for the URI property of a sender's e-mail submission and to send an e-mail message by using this property in Visual Basic .NET

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This article was previously published under Q314188

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This article describes how to use Microsoft XML 3.0 to search for the URI property of a sender's e-mail submission and to send an e-mail message by using this property in Microsoft Visual Basic .NET.

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More information

To use Microsoft XML 3.0 to search for the URI property of a sender's e-mail submission and to send an e-mail message by using this property in Visual Basic .NET, follow these steps.

Note This sample code uses Microsoft XML 3.0, but the information also applies to Microsoft XML 4.0.
  1. Start Microsoft Visual Studio .NET.
  2. On the File menu, point to New, and then click Project.
  3. In the Visual Basic Projects list, click Console Application.

    By default, the Module1.vb file is created.
  4. Add a reference to Microsoft XML 3.0. To do so, follow these steps:
    1. On the Project menu, click Add Reference.
    2. Click the COM tab, click Microsoft XML v3.0, and then click Select.
    3. In the Add References dialog box, click OK.
    4. If you are prompted to generate wrappers for the libraries that you selected, click Yes.
  5. In the code window, replace the existing code with the following:
    Imports System.Reflection
    Module Module1
        Sub Main()
            'TODO: Replace with the name of the computer that is running Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server.
            Dim strExchSvr As String = "<ExchServerName>"
            'TODO: Replace with the alias of the sender.
            Dim strAlias As String = "<UserAlias>"
            'TODO: Replace with the domain name and the alias of the sender.
            Dim strUserName As String = "<UserDomain\UserAlias>"
            'TODO: Replace with the sender's password.
            Dim strPassWord As String = "<UserPassword>"
            Dim sMailUrl As String
            sMailUrl = FindSubmissionURL(strExchSvr, strAlias, strUserName, strPassWord)
            If (sMailUrl <> "") Then
                ' TODO: Replace with your mail information.
                Dim strFrom As String = ""
                Dim strTo As String = ""
                Dim strSubject As String = "Send Using Webdav"
                Dim strBody As String = "Hello World"
                Dim oXMLHttp As MSXML2.XMLHTTP30 = New MSXML2.XMLHTTP30()
      "PUT", sMailUrl, False, strUserName, strPassWord)
                Dim mySentTime As DateTime = New DateTime()
                Dim sQuery As String
                sQuery = "From: " & strFrom & vbNewLine & _
                 "To: " & strTo & vbNewLine & _
                 "Subject: " & strSubject & vbNewLine & _
                 "Date: " & Convert.ToDateTime("9/11/2001 11:45 AM") & vbNewLine & _
                 "X-Mailer: My DAV mailer" & vbNewLine & _
                 "MIME-Version: 1.0" & vbNewLine & _
                 "Content-Type: text/plain" & vbNewLine & _
                 "Charset = ""iso-8859-1""" & vbNewLine & _
                 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
                oXMLHttp.setRequestHeader("Translate", "f")
                oXMLHttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "message/rfc822")
                oXMLHttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Length", "" & sQuery.Length)
                oXMLHttp = Nothing
            End If
        End Sub
        Private Function FindSubmissionURL(ByVal strExchSvr As String, ByVal strAlias As String, ByVal strUserName As String, ByVal strPassWord As String) As String
            Dim query As String
            Dim strURL As String
            Dim baseName As String = ""
            Dim xmlReq As MSXML2.XMLHTTP30 = New MSXML2.XMLHTTP30()
            Dim xmldom As MSXML2.DOMDocument = New MSXML2.DOMDocument()
            Dim xmlRoot As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement
            Dim xmlNode As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode
            'Create the DAV PROPFIND request.
            strURL = "http://" & strExchSvr & "/exchange/" & strAlias
  "PROPFIND", strURL, False, strUserName, strPassWord)
            xmlReq.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml")
            xmlReq.setRequestHeader("Depth", "0")
            query = "<?xml version='1.0'?>"
            query = query & "<a:propfind xmlns:a='DAV:'>"
            query = query & "<a:prop xmlns:m='urn:schemas:httpmail:'>"
            query = query & "<m:sendmsg/>"
            query = query & "</a:prop>"
            query = query & "</a:propfind>"
            ' Process the result.
            If xmlReq.status >= 200 And xmlReq.status < 300 Then
                xmlRoot = xmldom.documentElement
                Dim i As Integer
                For i = 1 To xmlRoot.attributes.length
                    xmlNode = xmlRoot.attributes(i)
                    If xmlNode.text = "urn:schemas:httpmail:" Then
                        baseName = xmlNode.baseName
                        Exit For
                    End If
                xmlNode = xmlRoot.selectSingleNode("//" & baseName & ":sendmsg")
                Return xmlNode.text
                Console.WriteLine("Cannot find mail submission URL")
                Return ""
            End If
        End Function
    End Module
  6. Search for the TODO text string in the code, and then modify the code for your environment.
  7. Press the F5 key to build and to run the program.
  8. Make sure that the e-mail message has been sent and received.

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For more information, visit the following Microsoft Web site:

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Keywords: KB314188, kbhowto

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Article Info
Article ID : 314188
Revision : 5
Created on : 6/29/2007
Published on : 6/29/2007
Exists online : False
Views : 512