When a public folder store is being mounted, the Exchange Domain Servers group requires Full Control permissions on all of the servers that "own" the public folder hierarchy. The servers that own the public folder hierarchy are listed under the
msExchOwningPFTreeBL attribute. Because Exchange Server 5.5 hosted the public folder hierarchy before an Exchange 2000 server joined the organization, an additional object is displayed under the CN=Folder Hierarchies object that references the Exchange Server 5.5 public folder hierarchy:
CN=Microsoft Exchange, CN=OrgName, CN=Adminstrative Groups, CN=AdministrativeGroupName, CN=Folder Hierarchies, CN=Public Information Store
An Exchange Server 5.5 computer that is upgraded to Exchange 2000 also has CN=Public Information Store. Notice that this is different from, which references a new installation of Exchange 2000 server:
CN=Microsoft Exchange, CN=OrgName, CN=Adminstrative Groups, CN=AdministrativeGroupName, CN=Folder Hierarchies, CN=Public Folders