When you enable Internet protocol (IP) routing on an ISA server, the Kernel mode data pump feature is also enabled. This feature provides a significant performance advantage for the data-rich secondary connections by handling the traffic in Kernel mode.
Steps to Reproduce the Problem
To reproduce the problem that is described in the
Symptoms section:
- Configure the downstream ISA server with FW chaining to the upstream ISA server.
- Enable FTP filter on both servers.
- Enable IP routing on the downstream server.
- Make the client a NAT client of the downstream ISA server.
- On the client, run the FTP client and connect to an FTP server that is running on an external network that is upstream of the ISA server.
- Log onto the FTP server and try to list the folder contents (with the dir command) or try to transfer a file.
The FTP client stops responding (hangs) when you try to receive a list of the folder contents.
Note that this problem does not occur if you disable IP routing on the downstream ISA server.