An Administrative Group is a collection of Exchange objects that share a common set of permissions. A Routing Group is a convenient way to collect servers together so that they can perform common routing operations. When you install the first server of a forest, you automatically create an administrative group and a routing group. However, when you install subsequent Exchange 2000 servers, you need to specify an administrative and a routing group in which to add the server.
- Log on as Administrator to the server running Exchange 2000 Server.
Configure System Manager to Display Routing and Administrative Groups.
- Start the System Manager from the Microsoft Exchange program group.
- Right click the top-level node and on the shortcut menu, click Properties.
- In the Properties dialog box, select the Display Routing Groups and Display Administrative Groups check boxes, and then click OK.
- In the message box that informs you that you need to restart the System Manager, click OK, and then restart System Manager.
- There should be a container called Administrative Groups in the console tree. Expand the nodes.
- Click the Members container within the First Routing Group object. Your server is the Master server in the First Routing Group.