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XCCC: Outlook 2002 Clients Do Not Reconnect After Exchange 2000 Server Cluster Fails Over When the Preview Pane Is Open

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This article was previously published under Q310793

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Outlook 2002 may lose connectivity to an Exchange 2000 server that is part of a server cluster. If Outlook 2002 is connected (logged on) to a mailbox that is homed on a server in a group of virtual Exchange servers that are running in Active-Active mode on a server cluster, and the node fails over (because of hardware or network problems) to the other node of the cluster while Outlook 2002 is previewing mail in the preview pane, Outlook 2002 may not recover from the temporary loss of connection with the server after the failover is complete.

This problem does not occur with:
An Exchange 2000 Active-Passive server cluster and Outlook.
An Exchange 2000 Active-Active server cluster and Outlook 2000.

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To work around this problem, either:
Quit Outlook 2002, and then restart the Outlook 2002 client computer. -or-

Implement an Exchange 2000 Active-Passive server cluster.

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Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server.

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More information

This problem can also occur while you are composing or reading mail during a server cluster failover.

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Keywords: KB310793, kbpending, kbbug

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Article Info
Article ID : 310793
Revision : 9
Created on : 2/27/2007
Published on : 2/27/2007
Exists online : False
Views : 410