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Microsoft Social Engagement 2016 Update 1

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Microsoft Social Engagement 2016 Update 1 is ready and will be released in November 2015. This article describes the features, fixes, and other changes that are included in this update.

New features introduced in Microsoft Social Engagement 2016 Update 1

Update 1 introduces the following features:    

  • Turkish language is now supported
    Get in touch with your audience using Turkish language. The acquisition of social posts, the application interface and sentiment calculation are now available for Turkish besides the already available languages for the application interface and sentiment calculation. For more information about the languages that Social Engagement is translated into, see the Microsoft Social Engagement Translation Guide.
  • Streams showing posts of the past 14 days
    To ensure streams display only the most recent information for more effective and relevant engagement, we have limited them to show only posts from the past 14 days. You can always see earlier posts in Analytics, which you can now access directly from Social Center.
  • Improved language detection with Microsoft Translator
    Social Engagement now makes use of the Microsoft Translator (API) to provide improved language detection for all available languages in collaboration with Bing. Posts that were found so far without a pre-defined language from data acquisition are analyzed and if possible get categorized in one of our 20 available languages.
  • Publish tweets and posts to Facebook pages from Social Center
    Reach out proactively to your audience by composing new posts as an integrated experience to either Twitter or Facebook pages in Social Center. In addition to the reactive interactions, Social Engagement now enables you to compose new tweets or posts to Facebook pages directly from Social Center. All you need is an authenticated social profile in Social Engagement to start reaching out to your audience immediately!
  • Filtering for posts linked to Dynamics CRM
    Social Engagement now allows filtering for posts that are either linked or not linked to CRM. Apply a filter for your data set and find linked posts quickly. Build streams and workflows to track the posts that require your attention.

Issues that are resolved in Microsoft Social Engagement 2016 Update 1

Update 1 addresses the following issues:
  • Introduced new icon for to display unlinked CRM entities on posts details.
  • Adjusted notification layout on connections page avoid overlapping text strings in feedback notifications.
  • Introduced horizontal scrollbar on select entities panel in settings page connections. Users can now scroll to access all entity details.
  • Introduced tool-tips on add and remove actions of entity details in settings page connections.
  • Introduced feedback message when a connection is deleted on settings page connections.
  • Improved layout of full view widget on Authors in Analytics to improve readability of item.
  • Fixed issue with OR connection not being saved on Alerts configuration.
  • Fixed issue with overlapping text in social Center when using Chrome browser.
  • Fixed issue with un-localized search topic categories in Sentiment by Categories widget on Analytics/Overview.
  • Fixed issue with incorrect date-displayed for starting date of sentiment learning settings page of sentiment.
  • Improved layout and reflow behavior of social center on mobile devices for better usability.
  • Fixed issue with incorrect character limitation for notes on social entities. Character limitation is now correct with 250 maximum.
  • Improved icons for “claim ownership” of social profiles for better usability.
  • Fixed issues with incorrect date format displayed in records details fly-out on linked entities. Date format is not according to users’ personal settings.
  • Improved notification and information display on social profiles that are shared with everyone. Profiles are now correctly surfaced as “shared with everyone”
  • Adjusted coloring on fly-out of posts action change label for better contrast value and readability.
  • Fixed issue with truncated text on social profiles page in Russian.
  • Fixed issue with incorrect displayed button in social center when UI language is set to Russian.
  • Fixed issue with incorrect displayed button “check tokens” on social profiles page
  • Fixed issue with invalid characters being displayed in alert names in message center.
  • Improved feedback message when trying to re-authorize a social profile with wrong credentials.
  • Corrected several instances of wrongly capitalized nouns in tooltips.
  • Changed font size of titles in activity map settings for better readability.

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More Information

For more information see the Social Engagement Help Center.

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Article Info
Article ID : 3107164
Revision : 1
Created on : 1/7/2017
Published on : 11/3/2015
Exists online : False
Views : 226