Data frames can be used in many RevoScaleR functions. Smaller data sets or excerpts from big data stored in an .xdf file can be read into an R data frame, and all of R's functionality is available for data frames
This example reads the first 10 rows from the CensusWorkers .xdf file into a data frame:
and this example compares rxLinMod and lm results using the iris data:
This example reads the first 10 rows from the CensusWorkers .xdf file into a data frame:
myCensusDF <- rxReadXdf(censusWorkers,numRows = 10)
and this example compares rxLinMod and lm results using the iris data:
irisLinMod <- rxLinMod(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width, data = iris)
irisLM <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width, data = iris, contrasts=list(Species = contr.SAS))