It should not be necessary to remove/redistribute/reactivate the Revolution R 7.4 parcels after the CDH5 upgrade. However, it is recommended to perform a few reconfiguration steps to ensure the Revolution R environment is updated to match the new CDH environment:
1. Make sure no Revolution R jobs are running.
2. Delete the "Revolution R" service from the service list.
3. Add a service and re-add the "Revolution R" service again making sure to add it to all nodes in the cluster. This should rebuild the file to ensure that the Revo R environment and paths to CDH jars matches the new environment.
4. On all nodes, check that any links to and in /usr/lib64 point to existing and current libraries. The paths to will change with the CDH upgrade. The path to will change if the cluster JVM was upgraded along with CDH or Cloudera Manager.
5. If the cluster JVM was upgraded, run the following command as root on all nodes:This updates the R configuration to point to the correct JAVA_HOME.
1. Make sure no Revolution R jobs are running.
2. Delete the "Revolution R" service from the service list.
3. Add a service and re-add the "Revolution R" service again making sure to add it to all nodes in the cluster. This should rebuild the file to ensure that the Revo R environment and paths to CDH jars matches the new environment.
4. On all nodes, check that any links to and in /usr/lib64 point to existing and current libraries. The paths to will change with the CDH upgrade. The path to will change if the cluster JVM was upgraded along with CDH or Cloudera Manager.
5. If the cluster JVM was upgraded, run the following command as root on all nodes:
# Revo64 CMD javareconf