I have a script running fine in RRE 7.4.0 and the script generates 4 histograms. When histogram1 is generated, I can see it in the R Graphics Device window but then when histogram2, 3 and 4 are generated in sequence, I can only see the last one, histogram4. I do not see a way to navigate and do a Page Up/Down and see all 4.
Is there some option can initialize this option at the start of my script?
Once you execute this, you can push <enter> or click next to through the slides. Once they are all rendered, you can page up or down to navigate.
Is there some option can initialize this option at the start of my script?
plot.fun <- function(){
# Opens a window and starts recording
op <- par(ask=TRUE)
# Simple set of 5 plots - you can add you plotting code here
for (i in 1:5){
#Stops recording.
Once you execute this, you can push <enter> or click next to through the slides. Once they are all rendered, you can page up or down to navigate.