R packages depend on the version of R you are running and newer versions of R typically require new package binaries(installers). To avoid package incompatibility problems we recommend installing R packages from within Revolution R Enterprise rather than downloading packages from CRAN.
Revolution R is based on a stable version of the core R language. We typically incorporate *.1 or *.2 releases of core R into our releases. So we base Revolution R for example on R 2.15.3 or 3.0.2. Releases of Revolution R Enterprise will typically incorporate a version of R that is 3-6 months behind the latest version available on CRAN.
Revolution R is based on a stable version of the core R language. We typically incorporate *.1 or *.2 releases of core R into our releases. So we base Revolution R for example on R 2.15.3 or 3.0.2. Releases of Revolution R Enterprise will typically incorporate a version of R that is 3-6 months behind the latest version available on CRAN.