To find why your Balance amount in the first line of the Checkbook Balance Inquiry window is wrong, you will need to dig through the data, and some troubleshooting tips are provided below. But if you need help with this from a support engineer, it borders what we will do in a regular support case since it is caused by damaged data. Open a support case and we'll take one look, but the engineer may need to send you to consulting, which is a billable expense.
Troubleshooting tips:
• If you have a problem in the Checkbook Balance Inquiry window, you more than likely also have a problem in the Reconcile Bank Statement window as well since the
Adjusted Book Balance calculates the same way. So the first step would be to determine the last time your Bank Reconciliation was balanced. The damaged date more than likely happened between now and the last time you reconciled. So if you last reconciled your checkbook balance to the bank as of August 31, and it is now October, you will need to review the September and October data to look for the discrepancy.
• Here are some SQL Scripts that you can run to help look for damaged data in the Bank Rec table. Run these against the company database in SQL Server Management Studio. Any results from these scripts should be investigated further:
select * from CM20200 where GLPOSTDT = '1900-01-01'
group by CHEKBKID, CMTRXNUM, CMTRXTYPE, TRXDATE, TRXAMNT having count (* ) > 1
select * from CM20200 where Checkbook_Amount = '0.00000' and TRXAMNT <> '0.00000'
• Ask the users if they remember having any posting issues with any batches in Payables, Payroll, GL, or Deposits in Bank Rec. Often they can remember a posting interruption that you can further investigate, or even a maintenance issue that they tried to correct and keyed additional increase/decrease adjustments or voids (and maybe didn't get it right). The users are often a great place to find out issues to further investigate.