Once you have HR installed, it is recommended to make a change on a benefit or deduction for an employee by navigating to Cards, point to Human Resources, point to Benefits and Deductions, select the deduction type and the code. For a deduction, edit the EMPLOYEE or COST TO SUBSCRIBER fields and save. For a benefit, edit the EMPLOYER or COST TO EMPLOYER fields and save. The change should be rolled over to the Payroll benefit or deduction automatically.
NOTE: If you would like to make the change on the Payroll side first, you can, but it's not recommended if you have HR installed. You could make the change under Cards, point to Payroll, then click on Benefit or Deduction. Click to continue on past the message. Then once you have saved your change, you can run the HR reconcile utility for Update Benefit Enrollment (for the employee level) to push the change back to the HR side for the employee. However, keep in mind that the reconcile utility may also overwrite or change other information for the code back to a default value, so it is not advised to do it this way as you risk losing other information or edits you have made to date.