When you use the certutil.exe tool to verify certificate signing requests (CSRs), certutil.exe returns the following message, even though the CSRs contain only a signed hash value (without the DigestInfo ASN.1 structure):
When CSR is signed by using SHA-2, as in "1.2.840.113549.1.1.11 sha256RSA," certutil.exe returns the following expected error:
Note This problem is limited to signatures that are created by SHA-1.
- Certutil.exe should not validate CSRs with only a signed hash value, because the expected DigestInfo ASN.1 structure contains more than only hash data.
- Other tools, such as openssl, mark the CSRs as invalid.
When CSR is signed by using SHA-2, as in "1.2.840.113549.1.1.11 sha256RSA," certutil.exe returns the following expected error:
0xc000a000 (NT: 0xc000a000 STATUS_INVALID_SIGNATURE)
Note This problem is limited to signatures that are created by SHA-1.