Avoiding future events 602
You should increase the version store size to avoid shortages. The registry setting to do this is as follows:
EDB max ver pages (increment over the minimum)
Note For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
232122 How to perform offline defragmentation of the Active Directory database
To make sure of consistency in the environment, we recommended that you apply the same settings for EDB max ver pages on all domain controllers that are logging 602 errors. You may also want to consider rolling it out to all domain controllers in the environment, because load distribution could change in the environment, and this could cause domain controllers that were previously not logging the warning to start to log the warning.
Online defragmentation operational details
Online defragmentation runs as part of the garbage collection process. By default, it is triggered every twelve hours.
The job will run for one hour or half the garbage collection interval, whichever is the lower value. This means that you can shorten the online defragmentation interval only by using automated configuration.
However, Active Directory and LDS offer an operational attribute on the
RootDSE object. You can use this attribute to start the online defragmentation. You can also specify a value in seconds of runtime. You set this value together with the command. You can use the repadmin tool to trigger the task. For example, you could run the following command:
repadmin /setattr <servername> "" doOnlineDefrag add 1200
This example would run online defragmentation for two hours.
Cleaning up the database
Select this option if you want a clean database and if database downtime is not a big worry.
You can remove the database fragmentation completely by performing an offline defragmentation. For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
232122 How to perform offline defragmentation of the Active Directory database