If you try to install Exchange 2000 Server Service Pack 1 (SP1), you may receive the following error message:
You must be at least an Exchange Administrator at the Administrative Group level to run update. You must use an account that has been granted the Exchange Administrator role on the current administrative group, or a higher-level role, using the Exchange Administrative Delegation Wizard.
The Exchange 2000 Server Setup Progress.log file may also contain the following entries:
Prerequisites for Microsoft Exchange Forest Preparation failed: The component "Microsoft Exchange Forest Preparation" cannot be assigned the action "Update" because:
- You must be at least an Exchange Administrator at the Administrative Group level to run update. You must use an account that has been granted the Exchange Administrator role on the current administrative group, or a higher-level role, using the Exchange Administrative Delegation Wizard.
Prerequisites for Microsoft Exchange Domain Preparation failed: The component "Microsoft Exchange Forest Preparation" cannot be assigned the action "Update" because:
- You must be at least an Exchange Administrator at the Administrative Group level to run update. You must use an account that has been granted the Exchange Administrator role on the current administrative group, or a higher-level role, using the Exchange Administrative Delegation Wizard.
The last entry is:
CComBOIFacesFactory::QueryInterface (N:\admin\src\udog\BO\bofactory.cxx:54) Error code 0X80004002 (16386): No interface.
The Exchange 2000 Server Setup Progress.log file contains the following information:
Entering ScGetExistingOrgName
Leaving ScGetExistingOrgName
Found the organization " Organization Name"
Checking read permissions on the org: "/dc=com/dc=Organization/cn=Configuration/cn=Services/cn=Microsoft Exchange/cn=Organization Name, Inc./cn=Administrative Groups"
Checking write/security permissions on the org: "/dc=com/dc=Organization/cn=Configuration/cn=Services/cn=Microsoft Exchange/cn=Organization Name, Inc."
Looking for an existing server object
Found existing server object: "/dc=com/dc=Organization/cn=Configuration/cn=Services/cn=Microsoft Exchange/cn=Organization Name, Inc./cn=Administrative Groups/cn=First Administrative Group/cn=Servers/cn=SERVERNAME"
Checking permissions on the admin group: "/dc=com/dc=Organization/cn=Configuration/cn=Services/cn=Microsoft Exchange/cn=Organization Name, Inc. /cn=Administrative Groups/cn=First Administrative Group"
Final set of permissions: 0XF0C00000