After you remove and replace a physical disk of the same
geometry from a cluster during run-time (hot swapping), the original physical
disk resource may still come online even though the disk signature of the new
drive is different. The same behavior occur ifs the disk signature is changed
or damaged while the cluster is in service. Although the new disk resource and
the new disk appear to be online, they do not function properly, and Cluster
Administrator may not fail the resource.
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Once the Cluster service has located a disk by its
signature, it then controls the disk by the physical disk number, and does not
recheck the disk signature until the computer is rebooted or the disk device is
removed and re-added. Once a reboot occurs under these conditions, the new disk
appears as Failed in Cluster Administrator.
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After you remove a disk from the cluster, reboot the
cluster or remove the disk device from Device Manager, and then run the
rescan command in the Disk Management console to
re-detect the new drive.
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