To work around this issue, find the ListOfLanguages.xml file in the following folder on the MDT server:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Deployment Toolkit\Templates\Distribution\Scripts
Then, by using one of the following methods that resolve the Serbia (Latin) language issue as an example, take the following actions:
Note This file is copied to the deployment share when you create a deployment share from the MDT workbench. This file is in the Scripts folder at the root of the deployment share.
- Change the language identifier for the Serbia (Latin) language to the new language pack code in ListOfLanguages.xml configuration file in the deployment share.
Note This resolution is confined to the particular deployment share. If you create new deployment shares by using this MDT workbench, this issue for Serbia (Latin) language will persist in those deployment shares.
- Change the language identifier for the Serbia (Latin) language to the new language pack code in ListOfLanguages.xml configuration file in the following folder on the MDT server:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Deployment Toolkit\Templates\Distribution\Scripts on the MDT server.
Note This resolution provides an overall solution at the MDT server level. Any new deployment share that is created by using this MDT workbench will also have the solution for the Serbia (Latin) language issue.
After you edit the ListOfLanguages.xml file for
Serbian - Serbia and Montenegro (Latin), that section should be as follows:
Note Basically, you should replace
081a with
241a and
sr- Latn-CS with
sr- Latn-RS.
<LOCALE ID=”241a” RefName=”Serbian - Serbia and Montenegro (Latin)”>
<SNAME>sr- Latn-RS</SNAME>
<SENGDISPLAYNAME>Serbian (Latin, Serbia and Montenegro)</SENGDISPLAYNAME>
<SENGCOUNTRY>Serbia and Montenegro</SENGCOUNTRY>