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Cannot add restricted Facebook pages to Social Engagement

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When adding a Facebook page to Microsoft Social Engagement which has restrictions, you'll receive the error:

"Rule isn't valid:Select a page and try again."

Administrators of Facebook pages have the option to set restrictions to Facebook pages such as restrictions based on age and country. When a Facebook page is restricted it cannot be added to Social Engagement under New Search Topic | Add rule | Facebook pages rule.

This is by design. The Facebook pages rule allows to capture all conversations on a public Facebook page. The Facebook pages rule will not allow to capture data which is not public.

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More Information

A Product bug has been filed with a request to change the error message to inform that the Facebook page is restricted and therefor cannot be added.

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Keywords: kb

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Article Info
Article ID : 3062415
Revision : 1
Created on : 1/7/2017
Published on : 5/5/2015
Exists online : False
Views : 211