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FP2000: "Error Removing One or More Users" When Adding User as a Browser on an Apache Server

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This article was previously published under Q305123

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On the FrontPage 2000 client, when you attempt to add a user as a browser on an Apache Web Server running the FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions, you receive the following error message:
Server error: Error removing one or more users: the following user names do not exist: '<username>'.
You are unable to add the user.

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The FrontPage 2000 client writes user information to the Service.grp and Service.pwd files, and the FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions migrate all user privileges from the Service.grp file to the .roles file. In FrontPage 2000 and earlier versions, any user name listed in the Service.pwd file that is not listed in the Service.grp file is considered a browser. Therefore, when the FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions attempt to migrate the user information for a user with browser privileges, and the account is not found in the Service.grp file, the error message described in the "Symptoms" section of this article appears.

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To work around this problem, add the user as an Author and then demote the user to Browser.

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Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed at the beginning of this article.

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Keywords: KB305123, kbpending, kbbug, kbqfe, kbhotfixserver

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Article Info
Article ID : 305123
Revision : 3
Created on : 2/21/2007
Published on : 2/21/2007
Exists online : False
Views : 375