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Update Rollup 6 for Windows Azure Pack

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This article describes the issues that are fixed in Update Rollup 6 for Windows Azure Pack. It also contains the installation instructions for Update Rollup 6 for Windows Azure Pack.

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Issues that are fixed in this update rollup

  • Issue 1

    Adds support for Webjobs in Windows Azure Pack Websites.

    Symptom Tenant users cannot set up and run background tasks to perform batch jobs that are related to their websites. The Windows Azure Webjobs functionality is not supported in the Windows Azure Pack (WAP) Websites Resource Provider.

    Resolution Tenant users now have access to this functionality through the WAP Websites Resource Provider. This functionality is enabled through the Administrator site when you configure a plan and make it available to tenants in the Tenants site. With this functionality, creation Webjobs creation can be run manually or continuously in the background.
  • Issue 2

    Adds support for Deployment Slots in Windows Azure Pack Websites.

    Symptom Tenant users cannot deploy to slots other than their production slot in a WAP Websites environment. The Slots or Staging environments for Websites that are currently available in the public Azure Web App Service is not available in the WAP Websites Resource Provider.

    Resolution Tenants can now use deployment slots that are associated with their websites. Web app content and configuration elements can be swapped between two deployment slots. This includes the production slot.
  • Issue 3

    Adds support for Virtual Machine Checkpoint.

    Symptom Tenant users cannot create a checkpoint of the current state of a virtual machine (VM) through the VMM/SPF Resource Provider.

    Resolution Tenants can now create a checkpoint of a virtual machine and restore it when this is necessary. This differs from the regular VM Checkpoints in that only a single Checkpoint can be created, and every time that a Checkpoint is created, the previous one is overwritten.
  • Issue 5

    Adds support to maintain Data Consistency between the SQL Resource Provider configured properties for resources (such as databases, resource pools, and workload groups) with the actual provisioned resources on the SQL Server Hosting server (or servers). This allows for the detection of differences of the SQL Resource Provider configuration data after administrators directly change the SQL Server computer.

    Symptom SQL Server RP configuration data may become unsynchronized with the actual resources that are deployed in the target Instances of SQL Server. This issue occurs if changes are made directly to the servers and not through the WAP SQL Server RP.

    Resolution There's a new set of RESTful API calls that enable the resynchronization of the SQL RP configuration data with the actual state of the target SQL Server.
  • Issue 6

    Compatibility with the next version of Windows Server:
    • New UI artifacts are for review only; they do not have complete functionality behind them.
    • Dependency on the URL Rewrite IIS Module has been removed.

  • Issue 7

    Fixes several SQL Server Resource Provider issues:
    • An incorrect error message is displayed when database creation fails because total server capacity is exceeded by the consumption defined in the plan.
    • The Get-MgmtSvcSqlResourcePoolByTemplate command does not provide the expected output when it is provided with an invalid RG template ID.
    • A tenant can delete any unmanaged database by guessing its name.
    • Tenants cannot increase the size of their databases even after the administrator increases the quota for the plan.

  • Issue 8
    • A range of minor fixes

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How to obtain and install Update Rollup 6 for Windows Azure Pack

Download information

Update packages for Windows Azure Pack are available from Microsoft Update or by manual download.

Microsoft Update
To obtain and install an update package from Microsoft Update, follow these steps on a computer that has an Operational Manager component installed:
  1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
  2. In Control Panel, double-click Windows Update., and then click Check Online for updates from Microsoft Update.
  3. Click Important updates are available.
  4. Select the update rollup package that you want, and then click OK.
  5. Click Install updates to install the update package.
Manually download update packages
Go to the following website to manually download the update packages from the Microsoft Update Catalog:

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Installation instructions
These installation instructions are for the following Windows Azure Pack components:

  • Tenant site
  • Tenant API
  • Tenant Public API
  • Administration site
  • Administration API
  • Authentication
  • Windows Authentication
  • Usage
  • Monitoring
  • Microsoft SQL
  • MySQL
  • Web Application Gallery
  • Configuration site
  • Best Practices Analyzer
  • PowerShell API
To install the update .msi files for each Windows Azure Pack component, follow these steps:

  1. If the system is currently operational (handling customer traffic), schedule downtime for the Azure servers. The Windows Azure Pack does currently not support rolling upgrades.
  2. Stop or redirect customer traffic to sites that you consider satisfactory.
  3. Create backups of the computers and databases:
    1. This update does contain database changes (see step 7); we strongly recommend that you keep backups of your databases current before installation.
    2. If you are using virtual machines, take snapshots of their current state. Otherwise, go to the next step.
    3. If you are not using VMs, take a backup of the computer to be used for restoring in case you have to roll back your update installation. 

  4. If you are using your own theme for the Windows Azure Pack Tenant site, make sure that you preserve your theme customizations before you perform the update.
  5. Perform the update by using Microsoft Update either directly on each node or through the Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) server.
  6. For each node under Load Balancing, run the updates for components in the following order:
    1. If you are using the original self-signed certificates installed by WAP, the update operation will replace them. You have to export the new certificate and imported to the other nodes under Load Balancing. These certs have CN=MgmtSvc-* (Self-Signed) naming pattern.
    2. Update Resource Provider (RP) services (SQL Server, My SQL, SPF/VMM, Websites) as needed. And make sure that the RP sites are running.
    3. Update the Tenant API site, Public Tenant API, Administrator API nodes, and Administrator and Tenant Authentication sites.
    4. Update the Administrator and Tenant sites.

  7. This step is needed to enable the new support for SQL Server Resource Governor:
    1. Download and open with a text editor (or Windows PowerShell ISE) the following PowerShell script. This script will change the Azure Pack Databases.
    2. Change the connection string line as follows:

      $wapConnectionString = "server=yourservername;uid=sa;pwd=yourpassword;database=master;"

    3. Run this script as an administrator on the machines that contain the Mgmt-Svc-PowerShellAPI module. These are those computers that are running:
      • Usage extension
      • Web App Gallery extension
      • SQL Server extension
      • MySQL extension 

  8. If all components are updated and functioning as expected, you can start to open traffic to your updated nodes. Otherwise, see the "Rollback instructions" section.

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Files updated in this update rollup
Files that are changedFile sizeVersion
<List of files that are changing> <File size is needed for each file><Version number is needed for each file>

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Keywords: kbqfe, kbfix, kbnotautohotfix, kbexpertiseinter, kbsurveynew, atdownload, kb

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Article Info
Article ID : 3051166
Revision : 1
Created on : 1/7/2017
Published on : 4/28/2015
Exists online : False
Views : 276