When you create a form in Microsoft FrontPage, you have several options by which to save the form results. When a visitor to your Web site fills out and submits the form, the data can be saved to a text file, an HTML file, an e-mail message, or directly to a database. This article explains how to save form results to a file.
Send Form Results to a File
When you save form results to a file, the file that collects the results of the form is, by default, located in the hidden _private folder in your Web. You can specify a different location and change the file name as needed. You can select the format of the form-results file and specify whether to include field names in the form results. You can also specify a second file in which to save results. If the file that you specify does not exist, FrontPage will create it the first time that a visitor to your Web site fills out the form and submits the data.
- Start FrontPage, and then open the page that contains your form.
- In Page view, right-click the form, and then click Form Properties.
- In the Form Properties dialog box, click Send to.
A default file name and location for the results file are displayed in the File name box. You can specify a different file or location by typing the new name and location; or click Browse to locate the file that you want to use in your Web.
If you want to use a different location for the file, select a location in your FrontPage Web. It is not recommended to specify a folder on your hard disk -- for example, C:\My Documents\form_results.txt -- because this location may not be accessible from the Web server. - Click Options, and then click the File Results tab.
- In the File format box, select the file format of your form-results file.
Note that text file formats are saved faster than HTML file formats. - Under Optional second file, you can specify a second file to contain form results. You may want to do this if you want to specify one results file for input to a database or spreadsheet and the other results file for readability.
To specify a second form-results file, type a name and location in the File name box, or click Browse to locate the file that you want to use. - In the File format box, select the file format of your form-results file.
- Click OK twice to close the Options for Saving Results of Form and Form Properties dialog boxes.