To work around this problem, on the Exchange 2000 servers that are experiencing this problem, use Metaedit to find the key of the domain controller that was removed and then added again. Metaedit is similar to Regedt32. Metaedit is a tool that you can use to view the metabase.
WARNING: If you edit the metabase incorrectly, you can cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall any product that uses the metabase. Microsoft cannot guarantee that problems that result if you incorrectly edit the metabase can be solved. Edit the metabase at your own risk.
NOTE: Always back up the metabase before you edit it.
On the Exchange 2000 servers that are experiencing this problem:
- Stop the MsexchangeSA service.
- In the following location (where DC_server_name is the domain controller that was removed and added again), delete the key of the domain controller that was removed and added again (or that the dcpromo command was run on):
- Start the MSExchangeSA service again.