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Specifications for an Access database and for an Access Project

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This article lists some of the most common specifications for Microsoft Access.

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Microsoft Access Database Specifications (MDB):

file size:            2 gigabytes minus the space needed for system objects

Number of fields
in a table:           255

Table size:           2 gigabytes minus the space needed for the system

Number of 
characters in a 
Text field:           255
Number of
in a Memo field:      65,535 when entering data through the user interface; 
                      1 gigabyte of character storage when entering data

Number of 
in a record:          2,000 (excluding Memo and OLE Object fields)

Number of 
characters in a
cell in the query 
design grid:          1,024

Number of
characters in a 
text box on a form 
or report:            65,535

Number of levels
of nested forms
or reports:           7

Microsoft Access Project Specifications (ADP):

NOTE: Microsoft SQL Server maximum capacity specifications are described in the SQL Server documentation. For more information about SQL Server Books Online, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
Number of columns 
in a table:           250 (Microsoft SQL Server 6.5) 
                      1024 (Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 and 2000)

Number of 
characters in a 
text box on a form 
or report:            65,535

Number of levels
of nested forms
or reports:           7   

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You can find all of the database and project specifications by clicking Microsoft Access Help on the Help menu in Microsoft Access, typing specifications in the Office Assistant, and then clicking Search to view the "Access Specifications" topic.

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Keywords: KB302524, kbinfo

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Article Info
Article ID : 302524
Revision : 8
Created on : 8/9/2004
Published on : 8/9/2004
Exists online : False
Views : 421