Hyperlinks in a Microsoft FrontPage Web that you have published may not function as expected: The browser may be unable to connect to the Web pages referred to by the hyperlinks.
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This behavior can occur if the hyperlinks contain absolute references that refer to files that reside on the local computer on which the Web was created.
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To resolve this issue, edit the Web to replace any absolute hyperlink addresses with relative hyperlink addresses.
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An absolute hyperlink is a complete Universal Resource Locator (URL) that points to a specific server or file location regardless of the location of the document (Web page) that displays the hyperlink.
For example, if page1.htm of your Web contains a hyperlink to http://www.microsoft.com/test.htm, the hyperlink always points to http://www.microsoft.com/test.htm no matter where you move, copy, or publish the page.
A relative hyperlink provides a partial URL; the Web page that this hyperlink refers to is resolved either from the Web page that displays the hyperlink or from any other specified base address.
For example, if page2.htm of your Web contains a hyperlink that points to /test.htm, the hyperlink directs the user to the test.htm document that resides on the same server as page2.htm.
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