Netscape does not support the Integrated Windows Authentication logon method. To work around this problem in Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5, enable
Basic Authentication on the Exchange virtual directory:
- Open Internet Service Manager.
- Right-click the Exchange virtual directory under the default Web site.
- On the Directory Security tab, click Edit under Anonymous access and authentication control.
- Click to select the Basic Authentication check box.
- Click OK to close all the dialog boxes, and then restart the Default Web site.
Note This procedure is not effective if you are running Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 on Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0.
To work around this problem in Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server, use Exchange System Manager to manage the authentication method. To do this, follow these steps:
- Open Exchange System Manager.
- Expand Servers, expand ServerName, expand Protocols, expand HTTP, and then expand Exchange Virtual Server.
- Right-click the Exchange virtual directory, and then click Properties.
- Click the Access tab, and then click Authentication.
- Click to select the Basic Authentication check box.
- Click OK to close all the dialog boxes.
- Wait for the authentication setting to replicate to the Exchange virtual directory in Internet Services Manager. Alternatively, restart the Microsoft Exchange System Attendant to force replication.