To resolve this issue, first verify that you have purchased the proper version of FrontPage for your specific needs, and then determine which of the following scenarios fits your situation.
Scenario 1
If you have the CD-ROM for an earlier version of FrontPage, refer to the following Microsoft Web site:
Scenario 2
It is possible that the Product Key provided with your FrontPage 2000 CD-ROM is incorrect. If this is the case, or if you own a registered earlier version of FrontPage that is installed on another computer, but you no longer have the CD-ROM for that version, contact Microsoft technical support. Microsoft is able to generate a new key for FrontPage 2000.
Scenario 3
If you do not have an earlier version of FrontPage installed on your computer, you may have mistakenly purchased an upgrade version of FrontPage 2000. Check closely to ensure that you have, in fact, purchased a complete version of FrontPage 2000. If you mistakenly purchased an upgrade version, try one of the following:
- Return the CD-ROM to the retailer from whom you purchased it, and request that they exchange this product for a pro-rated purchase of a full-install version of FrontPage 2000.
- Call the Microsoft Order Desk at 800-360-7561. Listen carefully to the options. To speak with a live customer service representative, you need to make the selection that will allow you to purchase a product. After you reach a customer service representative, explain the situation, and then he or she will work out the necessary arrangements with you.