Consider the following scenario:
- You deploy Distributed File System Replication (DFSR) on a Windows Server 2008 R2-based server.
- You enable Stop Replication functionality in AutoRecovery on the server. To do this, you set the StopReplicationOnAutoRecovery value to 1 under the following registry key:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\DFSR\Parameters
- An unexpected shutdown occurs, or you end the Dfsrs.exe process manually.
- You restart the DFSR service. Event 2213 is logged stating that replication is disabled and requires admin intervention.
- You disable the replication member in the replicated folder (RF) in Microsoft management console (MMC)
- Run the dfsrdiag pollad command. Event ID 4114 is received.
- You enable the replication member in the RF in the MMC.
- Run the dfsrdiag pollad command.
- You resume the replication.