Change the code in the Proposal Overview report (11000001) as follows:
Existing code 1...
SourceExpr=Name+' ('+"No."+')';
DataSetFieldName=Name_______No______ }
{ 47 ;TextBox ;2400 ;423 ;6600 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;
// Delete the following lines.
SourceExpr="Bank Account No.";
DataSetFieldName=Bank_Account__Bank_Account_No__ }
// End of the lines.
{ 48 ;Label ;150 ;423 ;2100 ;423 ;ParentControl=47;
Replacement code 1...
SourceExpr=Name+' ('+"No."+')';
DataSetFieldName=Name_______No______ }
{ 47 ;TextBox ;2400 ;423 ;6600 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;
// Add the following lines.
SourceExpr="Bank Account".IBAN;
DataSetFieldName=Bank_Account__IBAN }
// End of the lines.
{ 48 ;Label ;150 ;423 ;2100 ;423 ;ParentControl=47;
Existing code 2...
SourceExpr="Account No.";
DataSetFieldName=Proposal_Line__Account_No__ }
{ 3 ;TextBox ;2250 ;1692 ;1800 ;423 ;HorzAlign=Left;
// Delete the following lines.
SourceExpr="Bank Account No.";
DataSetFieldName=Proposal_Line__Bank_Account_No__ }
// End of the lines.
{ 25 ;TextBox ;2250 ;423 ;1800 ;423 ;HorzAlign=Left;
SourceExpr=FORMAT("Transaction Date");
DataSetFieldName=FORMAT__Transaction_Date__ }
Existing code 3...
<Grouping Name="Table1_Group1">
// Delete the following line.
Replacement code 3...
<Grouping Name="Table1_Group1">
// Add the following line.
Existing code 4...
// Delete the following line.
Replacement code 4...
// Add the following line.
Existing code 5...
// Delete the following line.
Replacement code 5...
// Delete the following line.
Existing code 6...
<DataSet Name="DataSet_Result">
// Delete the following lines.
<CommandText />
// End of the lines.
<Field Name="Name_______No______">
Replacement code 6...
<DataSet Name="DataSet_Result">
<Field Name="Name_______No______">
Existing code 7...
<Field Name="Name_______No______">
// Delete the following lines.
<Field Name="Bank_Account__Bank_Account_No__">
// End of the lines.
<Field Name="Bank_Account__Bank_Account_No__Caption">
Replacement code 7...
<Field Name="Name_______No______">
// Add the following lines.
<Field Name="Bank_Account__IBAN">
// End of the lines.
<Field Name="Bank_Account__Bank_Account_No__Caption">
Existing code 8...
<Field Name="Proposal_Line__Account_No__">
// Delete the following lines.
<Field Name="Proposal_Line__Bank_Account_No__">
// End of the lines.
<Field Name="FORMAT__Transaction_Date__">
Replacement code 8...
<Field Name="Proposal_Line__Account_No__">
// Add the following lines.
<Field Name="Proposal_Line__IBAN">
// End of the lines.
<Field Name="FORMAT__Transaction_Date__">
Existing code 9...
Replacement code 9...
// Add the following lines.
<CommandText />
// End of the lines.
Existing code 10...
// Delete the following line.
Replacement code 10...
Change the code in the Payment History Overview report (11000002) as follows:
Existing code 1...
CaptionML=ENU=Credit limit;
DataSetFieldName=Credit_limitCaption }
{ 92 ;TextBox ;2400 ;423 ;6600 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;
// Delete the following lines.
SourceExpr="Bank Account No.";
DataSetFieldName=Bank_Account__Bank_Account_No__ }
// End of the lines.
{ 93 ;TextBox ;16050;423 ;1800 ;423 ;HorzAlign=Left;
SourceExpr="Payment History";
DataSetFieldName=Bank_Account__Payment_History_ }
Replacement code 1...
CaptionML=ENU=Credit limit;
DataSetFieldName=Credit_limitCaption }
{ 92 ;TextBox ;2400 ;423 ;6600 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes;
// Add the following lines.
SourceExpr="Bank Account".IBAN;
DataSetFieldName=Bank_Account__IBAN }
// End of the lines.
{ 93 ;TextBox ;16050;423 ;1800 ;423 ;HorzAlign=Left;
SourceExpr="Payment History";
DataSetFieldName=Bank_Account__Payment_History_ }
Existing code 2...
SourceExpr="Account No.";
DataSetFieldName=Payment_History_Line__Account_No__ }
{ 112 ;TextBox ;2250 ;1692 ;1800 ;423 ;HorzAlign=Left;
// Delete the following lines.
SourceExpr="Bank Account No.";
DataSetFieldName=Payment_History_Line__Bank_Account_No__ }
// End of the lines.
{ 113 ;TextBox ;2250 ;423 ;1800 ;423 ;HorzAlign=Left;
DataSetFieldName=FORMAT_Date_ }
Replacement code 2...
SourceExpr="Account No.";
DataSetFieldName=Payment_History_Line__Account_No__ }
{ 112 ;TextBox ;2250 ;1692 ;1800 ;423 ;HorzAlign=Left;
// Add the following lines.
SourceExpr="Bank Account".IBAN;
DataSetFieldName=Bank_Account__IBAN_ }
// End of the lines.
{ 113 ;TextBox ;2250 ;423 ;1800 ;423 ;HorzAlign=Left;
DataSetFieldName=FORMAT_Date_ }
Existing code 3...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Report xmlns="" xmlns:rd="">
// Delete the following line.
<Table Name="Table1">
Replacement code 3...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Report xmlns="" xmlns:rd="">
// Add the following line.
<Table Name="Table1">
Existing code 4...
// Delete the following line.
Replacement code 4...
// Add the following line.
Existing code 5...
// Delete the following line.
Replacement code 5...
Existing code 6...
// Delete the following line.
Replacement code 6...
// Add the following line.
Existing code 7...
<Field Name="Credit_limitCaption">
// Delete the following lines.
<Field Name="Bank_Account__Bank_Account_No__">
// End of the lines.
<Field Name="Bank_Account__Payment_History_">
Replacement code 7...
<Field Name="Credit_limitCaption">
// Add the following lines.
<Field Name="Bank_Account__IBAN">
// End of the lines.
<Field Name="Bank_Account__Payment_History_">
Existing code 8...
<Field Name="Payment_History_Line__Account_No__">
// Delete the following lines.
<Field Name="Payment_History_Line__Bank_Account_No__">
// End of the lines.
<Field Name="FORMAT_Date_">
Replacement code 8...
<Field Name="Payment_History_Line__Account_No__">
// Add the following lines.
<Field Name="Bank_Account__IBAN_">
// End of the lines.
<Field Name="FORMAT_Date_">
Existing code 9...
// Delete the following lines.
// End of the lines.
Replacement code 9...
// Add the following lines.
// End of the lines.