To implement this hotfix, you must have a developer license.
You do not have to have rights to the data stores unless you have to perform data repair.
AddElement(XMLNodeCurr,'Ctry',COPYSTR(PaymentHistoryLine."Acc. Hold. Country/Region Code",1,2),'', XMLNewChild);
// Delete the following lines.
AddElement(XMLNodeCurr,'AdrLine',PaymentHistoryLine."Account Holder Address",'', XMLNewChild);
AddressLine2 := DELCHR(PaymentHistoryLine."Account Holder Post Code",'<>') + ' ' +
DELCHR(PaymentHistoryLine."Account Holder City",'<>');
AddElement(XMLNodeCurr,'AdrLine',COPYSTR(AddressLine2,1,70),'', XMLNewChild);
XMLNodeCurr := XMLNodeCurr.parentNode;
XMLNodeCurr := XMLNodeCurr.parentNode;
// End of the lines.
AddElement(XMLNodeCurr,'CdtrAcct','','', XMLNewChild);
XMLNodeCurr := XMLNewChild;
AddElement(XMLNodeCurr,'Ctry',COPYSTR(PaymentHistoryLine."Acc. Hold. Country/Region Code",1,2),'', XMLNewChild);
// Add the following lines.
AddressLine1 := DELCHR(PaymentHistoryLine."Account Holder Address",'<>');
AddressLine2 := DELCHR(PaymentHistoryLine."Account Holder Post Code",'<>') + ' ' +
DELCHR(PaymentHistoryLine."Account Holder City",'<>');
IF DELCHR(AddressLine1 + AddressLine2,'<>') <> '' THEN BEGIN
XMLNodeCurr := XMLNewChild;
IF AddressLine1 <> '' THEN
IF DELCHR(AddressLine2,'<>') <> '' THEN
XMLNodeCurr := XMLNodeCurr.parentNode;
XMLNodeCurr := XMLNodeCurr.parentNode;
// End of the lines.
AddElement(XMLNodeCurr,'CdtrAcct','','', XMLNewChild);
XMLNodeCurr := XMLNewChild;