If the SQL Server computer on which the Catalog databases are running is load balanced, you must modify SP1Setup.ini so that the Catalog databases can be migrated properly.
How to Work with SP1Setup.ini
- See the Commerce Server 2000 SP1 Readme for sample network topology and the steps to run the SP1Setup.exe file.
- Copy all of the necessary SP1 executables and SP1Setup.ini into a temporary directory, and modify the SP1Setup.ini file in this directory.
- Run SP1Setup.exe.
- CSUpgradeCat_SP1.exe is the Catalog Migration tool, which can be run separately multiple times.
- Catalog Migration will back up the store procedures with <stored procedure name>_CS2K_Version_[n] (where [n] is the number of times the Catalog Migration has been run.
- SP1Setup.exe will copy the INI file from the temporary directory to
- [CatalogMigration] is a new section that has been added in the SP1Setup.ini file. Under this section, you can specify the following:
RunCatalogMigration = Yes/No
Default = Yes
You can allow Commerce 2000 SP1 Setup to run the Catalog Migration tool or not. Setting this to No requires that the CatalogServers section to be added.
- The [CatalogServers] section provides a list of SQL Servers where all the Catalog databases reside. CSUpgradeCat_SP1.exe will read SP1Setup.INI and will update the SQL servers accordingly based on information found in the [CatalogServers] section. Connection String at minimum should provide authentication, the database and server information. Under this section you can specify the following:
SQLServerCount is the number of SQL Catalog Servers that need to be updated.
SQLServer[n] is the actual Connection String information.
SQLServer1 = Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;UID=sa;Password=;Initial Catalog="retail_commerce ";Data Source="Ari9";"
If there is no [CatalogServers] specified, which is the default behavior, the ConnectionString is read from the MSCSAdmin database.
The Catalog Migration tool CSUpgradeCat_SP1.exe is available as a separate executable.
CSUpgradeCat_SP1.exe accepts the
-u switch to undo the database schema changes. Hotfixes that are applied after you uninstall will be preserved.
When you uninstall, [CatalogServers] will be read again to get all the information needed to undo the catalog schema changes.
Supplier Accelerator Hotfix
The changes made in SP1Setup.ini must be compatible with the Supplier Accelerator Hotfix.ini file. Supplier Accelerator customers should be able to modify the Hotfix.ini file with the same sections described in this article.