Assume that you have applied Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Update 4 on your computer. When you compile some C or C++ source code together with an optimization compiler option such as /Ox (Full Optimization), /Oxt, or /O2 (Maximize Speed) and you target the x64 platform, you may receive the following error message:
Note The issue may occur if an array of a struct or class is used in a function call, and the first field of the first element of the array is used in a function call. Refer to the following example:
fatal error C1001: An internal error has occurred in the compiler.
Note The issue may occur if an array of a struct or class is used in a function call, and the first field of the first element of the array is used in a function call. Refer to the following example:
S* arr = …
func1(arr, …)
func2(arr->firstField, …)