To work around this error, manually register the dependent .dll files (Msdaurl.dll, Msdaipp.dll, and Oledb32.dll) by typing the following command from a command prompt where
name.dll is the name of the .dll file that you want to register:
regsvr32 name.dll
For example, to register the Msdaurl.dll file, type the following command from a command prompt:
regsvr32 msdaurl.dll
Generally, the Msdaurl.dll, Msdaipp.dll and Oledb32.dll files are located in the %SystemRoot%\Program Files\Common Files\System\Ole DB folder. You need to run the
regsvr32 command in the directory in which the .dll files are located.
After you register these files, you can click
Retry in the
Setup dialog box to allow Exchange Setup to register the Exoledb.dll and continue with Setup.