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How To Enable Pipeline Logging in Commerce Server

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To assist with the development or troubleshooting of a pipeline, you can enable pipeline logging to view information being processed.

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The following procedure shows how to enable pipeline logging within a Commerce Server site. This article assumes that you are using either a Commerce Server solution site or a site that was developed referencing one of the solution sites.

NOTE: If you use pipeline logging to debug a pipeline, be aware that sensitive information may appear in clear text in the log files. Make sure that you secure the folder that contains these pipeline log files (by default, the \Pipeline\Logfiles folder in the application).

NOTE: For Microsoft .NET based solution sites (like Retail2002 in Commerce Server 2002), the pipeline configuration is done in web.config. For more information, see the Commerce Server 2002 product documentation.
  1. Determine if the site is running in development or production mode. To do so, examine the MSCSEnv parameter in the Global.asa file that is located at the root of the site.
  2. Open the Global_siteconfig_lib.asp file in an editor. This file is located in the Include folder of the site.
  3. Locate the InitSitePipelines() procedure. There will be two "MSCSEnv =" statements. Below the appropriate (development or production) "MSCSEnv =" statement, change the "dictPipeline.LoggingEnabled = False" statement to "dictPipeline.LoggingEnabled = True".
  4. Save your changes.
  5. Next, either:
    • Perform an IISReset command (point to Start, click Run, type IISReset, and press ENTER).

    • Unload the application through the Microsoft Internet Information Server snap-in.
NOTE: You must ensure that the Internet Guest Account (IUSR_<computer name>) has write access to the \Pipeline\Logfiles folder.

To disable pipeline logging:

Modify the appropriate line in the Global_siteconfig_lib.asp file to "dictPipeline.LoggingEnabled = False" and perform either an IISReset or application unload.

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Keywords: KB296245, kbhowto

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Article Info
Article ID : 296245
Revision : 7
Created on : 7/1/2004
Published on : 7/1/2004
Exists online : False
Views : 464