To resolve this behavior, remove the external DNS server address from the external network adapter, and then change the binding order on ISA Server or Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway, Medium Business Edition so that the internal network adapter is listed first:
- Click Network and Dial-Up connections.
- On the Advanced menu, click Advanced Settings to display the binding order.
- Click the internal network adapter, and then move it to the top. The internal DNS is used to resolve the server name so that redirection works properly.
Note For ISA Server 2006 and Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway, Medium Business Edition, the IP address of the published server can be specified in the Web publishing rule properties on the
TO tab. By specifying this IP address, ISA Server or Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway, Medium Business Edition will establish a connection to the published server without having to make a name resolution. This will avoid hitting the Proxy Chain Error.