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Check the meaning of a status in CHIP for Commercial Distributors

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This article defines the various statuses you may see in the Channel Incentives Platform tool (CHIP) for the Commercial Distributor Incentives Program.

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Claim status:
  • Pending Approval - The claim and POE have been submitted to Microsoft Validation team for review.
  • Pending POE - The claim is submitted, but no POE (Proof of Execution; Delivery Order/Proof of delivery/Invoice) is uploaded.
  • Compliant - The claim has been ruled eligible for reimbursement/coop payout.
  • Non-Compliant - The claim is not eligible for reimbursement/coop payout. Review the comments section for additional details.
  • Action Required - The claim has been reviewed, but is missing information. (You may have to submit correct or additional POE.)

Payment Status:
  • Paid - The claim has been paid.
  • Payment file Generated - The claim payment has been sent for processing.
  • Blank - If the claim does not have a payment status it means that the payment has not been sent for processing yet. This claim will be included in the next payment cycle.

User Types:
  • Partner Admin – The partner admin has rights related to managing and editing the organization’s profile, bank details, program preferences, and adding, editing, and deleting partner administrators and partner users.
  • Partner User – The partner user has limited rights. They can view bank data, submit MD plans and Coop Claims etc. Cannot change organizational or payment profiles. Cannot add, edit, or remove users.

User Status:
  • Active - The user is able to access CHIP.
  • Inactive - The user is not able to access CHIP.
  • Invited - The user has received an invitation to join CHIP and needs to complete the registration to activate the account.
  • Eligible - The user information is on CHIP, but the invitation has not been sent yet.

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If you have additional questions or would like to submit a support ticket, click here.

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Keywords: get support, vkb265, Incentives and Payouts, kb, helppartner, kbsurveynew, kbnorightrail

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Article Info
Article ID : 2961472
Revision : 8
Created on : 5/29/2020
Published on : 5/29/2020
Exists online : False
Views : 449