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How To Use Visual Basic Script to Clear SidHistory

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The Microsoft Visual Basic Script (VBScript) provided in this article will find an object by its name in the directory and attempt to clear the sidHistory for that object. It has optional parameters for objectClass and objectCategory to help in the search.

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When a user object moves from one domain to another, a new security identifier (SID) must be generated for the user account and stored in the Object-SID property. Before the new value is written to the property, the previous value is copied to another property of a User object, SID-History (sidHistory). This property can hold multiple values. Each time a User object moves to another domain, a new SID is generated and stored in the Object-SID property and another value is added to the list of old SIDs in SID-History. Sometimes it may be necessary to clear the sidHistory.

The following VBScript code will remove the sidHistory attribute from the directory object specified in the command line arguments.
  1. Open Microsoft Notepad.
  2. Copy the following code and paste it into your Notepad document.
    Dim strFilter 'As String
    Dim oConnection 'As ADODB.Connection
    Dim oRecordSet 'As ADODB.RecordSet
    Dim strQuery 'As String
    Dim strDomainNC 'As String
    Dim oRootDSE 'As IADs
    Dim vArray 'As Variant()
    Dim vSid 'As Variant
    Dim oDirObject 'As Variant
    ' Parse the command line and set the query filter
    ' Find the domain naming context
    set oRootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE")
    strDomainNC = oRootDSE.Get("defaultNamingContext")
    set oRootDSE = Nothing
    ' Setup the ADO connection
    Set oConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    oConnection.Provider = "ADsDSOObject"
    oConnection.Open "ADs Provider"
    strQuery = "<LDAP://" & strDomainNC & ">;" & strFilter & ";distinguishedName,objectClass,name,sidHistory;subtree"
    'Execute the query
    set oRecordSet = oConnection.Execute(strQuery)
    if oRecordSet.Eof then
      WScript.Echo "No objects were found"
      Dim vClasses 'As Variant
      Dim strClass 'As String
      WScript.Echo "The following objects were found:"
      'On Error Resume Next
      ' Iterate through the objects that match the filter
      While Not oRecordset.Eof
         vClasses = oRecordset.Fields("objectClass").Value
         strClass = vClasses(UBound(vClasses))
         WScript.Echo "Name: " & oRecordset.Fields("name").Value & "   Class: " & strClass & "  DN: " & oRecordset.Fields("distinguishedName").Value
         If IsNull(oRecordSet.Fields("sIDHistory").Value ) Then
            WScript.Echo "This object does not have a sidHistory"
    	set oDirObject = GetObject("LDAP://" & oRecordset.Fields("distinguishedName").Value) 
            vArray = oDirObject.GetEx("sIDHistory")
            For Each vSid in vArray
             oDirObject.PutEx ADS_PROPERTY_DELETE, "sIDHistory", array(vSid) 
            WScript.Echo "The sidHistory has been cleared for this object!"
         End if
    End if
    'Clean up
    Set oRecordset = Nothing
    Set oConnection = Nothing
    ' The ParseCommandLine subroutine will build the query filter base on the arguments passed to the script.  The bNameFlag
    ' is used so that the name given can have spaces in it.
    Sub ParseCommandLine()
       Dim vArgs, Value, Equals, I
       Dim bNameFlag 'As Boolean
       Dim strName 'As String
       Dim strObjectCategory 'As String
       Dim strObjectClass 'As String
       Set vArgs = WScript.Arguments
       if VArgs.Count < 1 Then
       End if
      bNameFlag = False
      For I = 0 to vArgs.Count - 1
          If Left( vArgs(I) , 1 ) = "/" Or Left( vArgs(I) , 1 ) = "-" Then
             Value = ""
             Equals = InStr( vArgs(I) , "=" )
             If Equals = 0 Then Equals = InStr( vArgs(I) , ":" )
             If Equals > 0 Then Value = Mid( vArgs(I) , Equals + 1 )
             Select Case LCase( Mid( vArgs(I) , 2 , 1) )
       		Case "n" strName = Value
    			 bNameFlag = True  'This will allow us to catch spaces
       		Case "o" strObjectCategory = Value
    			 bNameFlag = False
                    Case "c" strObjectClass = Value
    			 bNameFlag = False
    		Case Else DisplayUsage
             End Select        	
         Else 'no dash or slash;  Check if we are giving a name
            if bNameFlag Then
               strName = strName & " " & vArgs(I)
            end if
         End if
    'Should be okay to build filter  
    If strName = "" Then
      WScript.Echo "A name parameter must be given"
      strFilter = "(&(name=" & strName & ")"
      If Len(strObjectCategory) > 0 Then
         strFilter = strFilter & "(objectCategory=" & strObjectCategory & ")"
      End if
      If Len(strObjectClass) > 0 Then
         strFilter = strFilter & "(objectClass=" & strObjectClass & ")"
      End if
      strFilter = strFilter & ")" 'Close filter
    End if
    End Sub
    ' The DisplayUsage subroutine will display how to use this script, the objectCategory and objectClass arguments are optional.
    Sub DisplayUsage()
     WScript.Echo "Usage csript.exe " & WScript.ScriptName & vbLF & _ 
         "-n=<name of the object you are looking for>" & vbLF & _
         "[-o=<objectCategory of the object you are looking for>]" & vbLF & _
         "[-c=<objectClass of the object you are looking for>]"  & vbLF & vbLF & _ 
    	 "Examples : " & vbLF & _
    	 WScript.ScriptName & " -n=My Contact" & vbLF & _
    	 WScript.ScriptName & " -n=Computer1 -o=computer" & vbLF & _ 
    	 WScript.ScriptName & " -n=James Smith -o=Person -c=user"
    End Sub
  3. Save the document as C:\ClearSidHistory.vbs
  4. Run the code. Usage for ClearSidHistory.vbs is as follows:
    cscript.exe ClearSidHistory.vbs -n=<name> [-o=<objectCategory>] [-c=<objectClass>]

    -n=<name of the object you are looking for>
    -o=<objectCategory of the object you are looking for>
    -c=<objectClass of the object you are looking for>


    cscript.exe ClearSidHistory.vbs -n=My Contact
    cscript.exe ClearSidHistory.vbs -n=Computer1 -o=computer
    cscript.exe ClearSidHistory.vbs -n=James Smith -o=Person -c=user

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Keywords: kbhowto, kb32bitonly, kbprb, KB295758

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Article Info
Article ID : 295758
Revision : 5
Created on : 8/30/2005
Published on : 8/30/2005
Exists online : False
Views : 802