You may be unable to establish a trust relationship between
a Windows NT domain and either
a Windows 2000 domain or
a Windows Server 2003 domain.
When you try to add the trust from the Windows 2000 domain, you may receive the
following error message:
The trust cannot be created
because no mapping between account names and security IDs was done.
you try to add the trust from the Windows Server 2003 domain, you may receive the
following error message:
Cannot Continue. The trust relationship
cannot be created because the following error occurred: The operation failed.
The error is: The specified user already exists.
you attempt to add the trust from the Windows NT domain, you may receive the
following error message:
The trust relationship could
not be verified at this time.
You may receive an event 5721 (session
setup failed) in the event log when you try to establish the trust.