If you configure a multiserver farm in Workflow Manager by using a non-wildcard certificate, the configuration fails, and you receive the following error message:
---> System.Management.Automation.CmdletInvocationException:
Could not successfully send message to scope '/WF_Management' despite multiple retries over a timespan of 00:02:07.6049923.. The exception of the last retry is: A recoverable error occurred while interacting with Service Bus. Recreate the communication objects and retry the operation. For more details, see the inner exception.
---> System.TimeoutException: Could not successfully send message to scope '/WF_Management' despite multiple retries over a timespan of 00:02:07.6049923.. The exception of the last retry is: A recoverable error occurred while interacting with Service Bus. Recreate the communication objects and retry the operation. For more details, see the inner exception.
--> System.OperationCanceledException: A recoverable error occurred while interacting with Service Bus. Recreate the communication objects and retry the operation. For more details, see the inner exception.
---> Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.MessagingCommunicationException: Identity check failed for outgoing message. The expected DNS identity of the remote endpoint was 'wf1.atmsft.com' but the remote endpoint provided DNS claim 'wf3.atmsft.com'. If this is a legitimate remote endpoint, you can fix the problem by explicitly specifying DNS identity 'wf3.atmsft.com' as the Identity property of EndpointAddress when creating channel proxy.
---> System.ServiceModel.Security.MessageSecurityException: Identity check failed for outgoing message. The expected DNS identity of the remote endpoint was 'wf1.atmsft.com' but the remote endpoint provided DNS claim 'wf3.atmsft.com'. If this is a legitimate remote endpoint, you can fix the problem by explicitly specifying DNS identity 'wf3.atmsft.com' as the Identity property of EndpointAddress when creating channel proxy.
Could not successfully send message to scope '/WF_Management' despite multiple retries over a timespan of 00:02:07.6049923.. The exception of the last retry is: A recoverable error occurred while interacting with Service Bus. Recreate the communication objects and retry the operation. For more details, see the inner exception.
---> System.TimeoutException: Could not successfully send message to scope '/WF_Management' despite multiple retries over a timespan of 00:02:07.6049923.. The exception of the last retry is: A recoverable error occurred while interacting with Service Bus. Recreate the communication objects and retry the operation. For more details, see the inner exception.
--> System.OperationCanceledException: A recoverable error occurred while interacting with Service Bus. Recreate the communication objects and retry the operation. For more details, see the inner exception.
---> Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.MessagingCommunicationException: Identity check failed for outgoing message. The expected DNS identity of the remote endpoint was 'wf1.atmsft.com' but the remote endpoint provided DNS claim 'wf3.atmsft.com'. If this is a legitimate remote endpoint, you can fix the problem by explicitly specifying DNS identity 'wf3.atmsft.com' as the Identity property of EndpointAddress when creating channel proxy.
---> System.ServiceModel.Security.MessageSecurityException: Identity check failed for outgoing message. The expected DNS identity of the remote endpoint was 'wf1.atmsft.com' but the remote endpoint provided DNS claim 'wf3.atmsft.com'. If this is a legitimate remote endpoint, you can fix the problem by explicitly specifying DNS identity 'wf3.atmsft.com' as the Identity property of EndpointAddress when creating channel proxy.