The following code illustrates how to reproduce this problem:
<TITLE>Repro for TEXTAREA not being printed</TITLE>
<BODY onload="fill_area()">
<script language=javascript>
function fill_area()
for(i = 0; i < 250; i++)
mytextarea.value = mytextarea.value + "This is the generated text for the textarea\n";
<textarea id=mytextarea cols=70 rows=253></textarea>
In the actual results, only one page appears in preview, and only one page is printed. In the expected results, several pages should appear in preview, and all of the pages should print.
The following code illustrates how to hide the
TEXTAREA elements and replace them with
DIV elements that contain the contents of the initial
TEXTAREA elements:
<TITLE>IE 5.5 TEXTAREA Cropping Workaround</TITLE>
<BODY onload="fillAreas();" onbeforeprint="subInDivs();" onafterprint="putBackTextAreas();">
function subInDivs()
var collTextAreas = document.all.tags("TEXTAREA");
var oNewDiv;
var sTemp;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < collTextAreas.length; i++)
oNewDiv = document.createElement("DIV"); = collTextAreas(i).clientWidth; = collTextAreas(i).clientHeight; = "1px solid black"; = collTextAreas(i).uniqueID + "_div";
// Replace all line breaks with HTML line breaks.
sTemp = collTextAreas(i).value.replace(/\n/gi,"<BR>");
// Match two spaces with two non-breaking spaces.
sTemp = sTemp.replace(/\s\s/gi,"  ");
oNewDiv.innerHTML = sTemp;
collTextAreas(i).parentNode.insertBefore(oNewDiv, collTextAreas(i));
collTextAreas(i).style.display = "none";
oNewDiv = null;
function putBackTextAreas()
var collTextAreas = document.all.tags("TEXTAREA");
var oDivToRemove;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < collTextAreas.length; i++)
oDivToRemove = document.all(collTextAreas(i).uniqueID + "_div");
if (oDivToRemove != null)
collTextAreas(i).style.display = "";
function fillAreas()
var sTempLine = "";
var collTextAreas;
var i;
for(i = 0; i < 250; i++)
//Build string.
sTempLine += "Name: Superwolf, Test number: " + i + ", data: XX XXX X XXX XX\n";
collTextAreas = document.all.tags("TEXTAREA");
for (i = 0; i < collTextAreas.length; i++)
collTextAreas(i).value = sTempLine;
<H2>IE 5.5 TEXTAREA Cropping Workaround</H2>