Consider the following scenario:
- Two Microsoft Exchange organizations are configured to federate. and are used in this example.
- The Export-AutoDiscoverConfig cmdlet was used to export Autodiscover information from each organization to the other.
- Your mailbox is in
- You are using Microsoft Outlook 2013 Service Pack 1 (SP1) on a computer that is logged on to the domain.
- In an existing Outlook profile, the Exchange email account is no longer updated by the Autodiscover process.
- If you create a new Outlook messaging profile to connect to a Microsoft Exchange Server mailbox, the Exchange email account configuration is not successful.
- If you use Test E-mail AutoConfiguration to initiate an Autodiscover process, you notice the 0x800C8203 error is displayed in the results.
- You see the Outlook Autodiscover process try to connect to the default, predefined Autodiscover URLs.