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The 'Apply changes to this folder' option displays the mailbox delivery location

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When you click Rules Wizard on the Tools menu in Microsoft Outlook, the Apply changes to this folder option only lets you select the Inbox folder that is set for mailbox delivery.

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You can specify both Exchange Server e-mail accounts and POP3 e-mail accounts in your profile. However, you can specify only one Inbox under the Apply changes to this folder list. This is because both Exchange Server e-mail accounts and POP3 e-mail accounts share the same Inbox for mailbox delivery.

If you combine an IMAP e-mail account together with an Exchange Server e-mail account or a POP3 e-mail account, the Apply changes to this folder list displays two Inbox entries. This behavior occurs because an IMAP e-mail account has its own personal folders store that is used as the default delivery location for the incoming IMAP messages.

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Keywords: kbnosurvey, kbarchive, kbprb, KB292965

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Article Info
Article ID : 292965
Revision : 2
Created on : 1/12/2015
Published on : 1/12/2015
Exists online : False
Views : 489