When you install Microsoft
Exchange 2000 Server
or Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 on a computer, you
may receive the following error message:
Setup failed installing sub-component information store service with error code 0xc007007e - please consult installation log.
The following error message may be
reported in the Exchange Server Setup Progress.log file:
[00:00:01]Interpreting line Register DLL:C:\Program
(K:\admin\src\libs\exsetup\hiddenw1.cxx:1226)Error code 0XC007007E (126): The
specified module could not be found.
[00:00:03] Processing file
'd:\setup\i386\exchange\mdb_reg.ins', at or near line 388
(RegisterDLL:C:\Program Files\Exchsrvr\bin\drviis.dll)
CInsParser::ScProcessLine (K:\admin\src\libs\exsetup\hiddenw1.cxx:486)